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Extra Care - Jubilee Gardens

A new state-of-the-art Extra Care facility is being developed in South Ribble on West Paddock in Leyland. The scheme has been named Jubilee Gardens with reference to the Queen's Platinum Jubilee in 2022.

Jubilee Gardens is a £20.5 million investment for South Ribble to provide 75 apartments with supported living facilities including a cafe, hair salon and support services.

By introducing the extra care provision, this will ensure residents gain access a high-quality housing which allows them to maintain their independence whilst at the same time ensuring access to vital support.


How can I find out more about applying for an apartment?

To register expressions of interest please forward your name, address, email and contact number to 


A development that gives back - social value

We are dedicated to ensuring that all developments that we undertake give back to the local community. 

Right from our tendering for developers to work with us, straight through the life of the project, we want to make sure our developments are not just brick and mortar and that they are able to leave a lasting legacy on our communities. 

Throughout construction, Caddick Construction has pledged a £6.6m social value investment to create a lasting legacy through a host of initiatives to support the neighbouring community. These include a series of work placements, employment opportunities and vocational training for local people.

The business has also made a pledge to localise its supply chain spend to the Central Lancashire area, with a further commitment to spend £4m with local subcontractors and £250k with local businesses, all of which is expected to support 70 jobs.

Ensuring the building work supports local good causes, Caddick has also dedicated hours of staff time to volunteering with local charities, and pledged to donate £5,000 in total to community projects.


What to expect on site

Caddick Construction Ltd is the company we have procured to deliver the works. The project is registered under the Considerate Constructors Scheme.

Working hours on site are 7.30am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday. No weekend work is currently planned.

The works will consist of a new build three-storey apartment block, constructed using traditional methods, along with associated communal living space, cafe bistro, and a small retail unit.

Access to all public footpaths will be maintained during the works.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is extra care? 

Extra Care housing provides self-contained homes for over 55's with design features and support services available to enable self-care and independent living.

Why do we need an extra care facility in the borough?

South Ribble has an ageing population which includes a significant increase in the number of older people over the age of 85. Life expectancy in South Ribble is 80.1 years for men and 83.4 years for women.

It is widely reported that people are living longer with more complex support needs impacting on the ability of people to live independently in their own homes.

This includes an increase in the number of people living with some form of dementia.

Why build on the green space? 

The council carried out an assessment of a number of sites both within private and council ownership using a set of key metrics and identified the land at West Paddock, Leyland as the preferred site. 

This site is within council ownership and offers the right size and location to accommodate an Extra Care Home.  It is connected and located to a wide range of existing infrastructure provision including healthcare, leisure and retail facilities as well as offering transport links to the town centre and wider areas.

Have you consulted with residents?

Yes, two consultation events took place for residents to share their views on the plans.

The latest design proposals can be viewed below.

Jubilee Gardens consultation boards (PDF) [1MB]

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What are the key dates? 

The scheme began on site in August 2023 with first residents expected to be welcomed in 2025.

How can I apply for an apartment?

To register expressions of interest please forward your name, address, email and contact number to 


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