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Household Support Fund

Household Support Funding has come from the UK Government (Department for Work and Pensions) to local authorities, to support those who are struggling to cover basic heating costs and access other essential items.

We have agreed to provide support in the following ways:

Provision of Advice and support

  •  Residents can access through our Social prescribing service support that can provide signposting to key partners as well as tailored on to one support based on a persons needs
  • Residents will be able to visit the South Ribble cost-of-living support bus in September 2024 accessing a range of partners for advice on the spot.

Financial and practical support

  • Household Support Fund payments - this can be accessed directly by residents and can help with short-term living costs such as food, gas/electric, water and other household bills

Apply for the Household Support Fund

  • Step Up Grants - we will be working with social workers, health visitors and key workers delivering early help and family support. They will be able to apply for grants on behalf of those they are supporting for larger items such as washing machines, carpets and other items that can provide sustainable change
  • Affordable Warmth - we have provided increased funding to support residents in owner occupied properties with energy efficient improvements to reduce energy bills
  • School Uniform pop-up shop - for families to access free school uniform, advice and support
  • Discretionary fund - people engaged with our social prescribing team will be able to access small amounts of funding that can support change and assist with training, employment courses and wellbeing activities
  • Discretionary Housing Payments - we have increased the amount of fund available which is able to provide short-term financial support to those eligible


Infrastructure and community support

To support local partners and communities we have made two funds available that they will be able to use for supporting local services and building capacity.

  • Local resilience fund - to support local agencies and partners providing direct support to residents
  • Community fund - providing budget to community hubs to provide provision for advice and practical support.

Apply for Support

The funding will be allocated between May and September 2024 with varying application dates and eligibility criteria.

This funding is allocated to South Ribble residents in need of financial support, applicants will be asked to provide supporting documentation such as proof of income or receive a home visit to survey your needs.

You do not need to be in receipt of benefits to access support, but funding is targeted to those who are struggling financially.

The details that you provide us with will be shared with providers, to make sure that you are supported in the right way.

We may check the details you provide against other records as part of our efforts to prevent fraud.

Apply for Discretionary Housing payment

Information about the other support and how to apply

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